Lipomas are the tumors which are slow growing and involve the subcutaneous tissues. The excision of Lipomas involves a defined drawn boundary and an anesthesia is injected. An excision of 3 to 4mm is made and a curette is placed inside to free the tumor cells from surrounding tissues, then it is removed from the body.
Lipomas are benign tumors which involves subcutaneous and deeper tissues. If these appear on arm, excision helps to get rid of them. An excision is made over lipoma, and curette helps to remove it under anesthesia. The CPT code for excision of arm lipoma is 11401.
Lipomas on the back may be painful because these grow larger with time so, the removal is necessary. Excision is made over the lipoma and curette is inserted inside to cut it off from surrounding tissues. Tumor is removed using CPT code 21930.
If small size lipoma appears on neck, it requires excision of 3 to 4mm in depth. The curette helps to remove the tumor properly by cutting it off from the surrounding healthy tissues. The CPT code for this procedure is in the range of 11420- 11426.
The same standard procedure for the excision of lipoma is used for the removal of lipoma on shoulder. A small excision of 3 to 4mm is enough to remove the tumor cells. The skin is stitched back for healing. The CPT code is 11401.
If lipoma appears on thigh, then usually deep incision is required because of high fat value. But for small Lipomas, a small excision is made over lipoma and removed the tumor cells. The CPT code used for this procedure is 27339.
If lipoma appears on chest wall, then a small excision is enough to remove tumor from the body. The curette helps to cut the tumor off from surrounding tissues. Stitches help to heal back skin. The CPT code for excision of lipoma chest wall is 11400- 11446.
For abdominal lipoma, sometimes a small excision is not enough, so a deeper incision is required to extract all the tumor cells from abdomen. Curette helps to detach tumor cells from surrounding tissues. The CPT code for this procedure is 11401.
Lipoma formation on forearm is removed by making an excision of 3 to 4mm over lipoma. Curette is inserted under anesthesia to remove tumor cells from lipoma. The skin is stitched back for healing. The CPT code for forearm lipoma excision is 11401.
Lipoma on forehead is easily removed by making a small excision over lipoma. The tumor cells are removed by inserting a curette inside lipoma. Anesthesia is necessary for reduction in pain. The scar is stitched back again for healing. This procedure is performed under the 11442.
Lipoma in buttocks mostly requires deep incision because of high fat content but for small lipoma, an excision is enough for the removal of tumor cells. The procedure involves a curette and stitches for healing of scar. The CPT code used for this procedure is 27043.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Arm
Lipomas are benign tumors which involves subcutaneous and deeper tissues. If these appear on arm, excision helps to get rid of them. An excision is made over lipoma, and curette helps to remove it under anesthesia. The CPT code for excision of arm lipoma is 11401.

CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma On Back
Lipomas on the back may be painful because these grow larger with time so, the removal is necessary. Excision is made over the lipoma and curette is inserted inside to cut it off from surrounding tissues. Tumor is removed using CPT code 21930.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Neck
If small size lipoma appears on neck, it requires excision of 3 to 4mm in depth. The curette helps to remove the tumor properly by cutting it off from the surrounding healthy tissues. The CPT code for this procedure is in the range of 11420- 11426.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Shoulder
The same standard procedure for the excision of lipoma is used for the removal of lipoma on shoulder. A small excision of 3 to 4mm is enough to remove the tumor cells. The skin is stitched back for healing. The CPT code is 11401.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Thigh
If lipoma appears on thigh, then usually deep incision is required because of high fat value. But for small Lipomas, a small excision is made over lipoma and removed the tumor cells. The CPT code used for this procedure is 27339.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Chest Wall
If lipoma appears on chest wall, then a small excision is enough to remove tumor from the body. The curette helps to cut the tumor off from surrounding tissues. Stitches help to heal back skin. The CPT code for excision of lipoma chest wall is 11400- 11446.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Abdomen
For abdominal lipoma, sometimes a small excision is not enough, so a deeper incision is required to extract all the tumor cells from abdomen. Curette helps to detach tumor cells from surrounding tissues. The CPT code for this procedure is 11401.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Forearm
Lipoma formation on forearm is removed by making an excision of 3 to 4mm over lipoma. Curette is inserted under anesthesia to remove tumor cells from lipoma. The skin is stitched back for healing. The CPT code for forearm lipoma excision is 11401.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Forehead
Lipoma on forehead is easily removed by making a small excision over lipoma. The tumor cells are removed by inserting a curette inside lipoma. Anesthesia is necessary for reduction in pain. The scar is stitched back again for healing. This procedure is performed under the 11442.
CPT Code For Excision Of Lipoma Buttock
Lipoma in buttocks mostly requires deep incision because of high fat content but for small lipoma, an excision is enough for the removal of tumor cells. The procedure involves a curette and stitches for healing of scar. The CPT code used for this procedure is 27043.