Nelore or Nellore cattle are evolved from Ongole Cattle (Bos indicus) primarily imported from India to Brazil. They are labeled after the Nellore district in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The Nelore has a prominent hump across the top of the shoulder and neck. They have tall legs that assist them in walking through water and while grazing. The Nelore is adaptable to all climatic conditions except extremely cold ones. They can withstand extreme temperatures and are naturally immune to pests and diseases. Brazil is the world's leading producer of Nelore. Nelore breed has the smallest ears of most of the Bos indicus species. The breed has a naturally polled strain.
Nelore Cattle Origin
The origin of the Nelore breed can be traced back to 2000 years when the Aryan people brought this breed ancestors to India. These ancestors were referred to as Ongole; however, some Brazilian scholars used the term Nelore (which corresponds to a district of the old Presidency of Madrás, now part of the new State of Andhra, on the Bengal Sea) as a synonym for Ongole.
Throughout its history, this breed has been subjected to extreme weather conditions, including drought-prone lands in Belushistan, frigid winters in Punjab, alluvial lands along the Ganges, and torrid lands along the Bengal sea. As a result, the Ongole breed inherited the adaptation genes that are now positively represented in the modern Nelore.
The Nelore was first recognized in Brazil in 1868, when two Ongoles were sold following a stop in Salvador, Bahia, by a ship carrying them to England. Ten years later, a breeder from Rio de Janeiro named Manoel Ubelhart Lemgruber purchased another pair from Germany's Hamburg Zoo. The Nelore breed then spread steadily throughout Brazil, initially in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, and then in Minas Gerais, eventually reaching Uberaba in 1875.

Nelore Cattle Facts
The toughness of the Nelore breed distinguishes it from other beef cattle breeds. Calves are active and energetic from the moment they are born, standing up and sucking without the requirement for constant human interaction. The Nelore has loose skin and sweat glands that are twice as large and 30 percent extra than those found in European breeds. The black skin of the Nelore, which is covered by a white or light grey coat, aids in blocking and filtering hazardous sun rays. The Nelore can turn low-quality forages into beef and can go without water for extended periods of time. Throughout the milking cycle, Nelore dams have highly evolved motherly instincts, which is critical for large breeding models.
Nelore Cattle Weight & Height
The average weight of Female Nelore cattle is around 400 - 450 kgs while Male Nelore weighs approximately 450 - 500 kgs. The average height of fully grown mature Nelore cattle is around 1.6 m.
Nelore Cattle Milk Production
Nelore Cattle has an average milk production capacity of 15 to 20 liters per day.