Border Leicester sheep are a British breed. It is a naturally polled, long wool sheep that is regarded as a dual intent breed due to the fact that it is raised for both meat and wool. The sheep are enormous, but they are calm. They've been spread to other sheep-producing countries like the USA and Australia.
Border Leicester sheep were first transported to Australia in 1871, and there are currently many breeding farms there. Border Leicester rams are bred with Merino ewes to produce the hybrid sheep that are so important for producing prime lambs. With a well-proportioned carcass, high productivity, good foraging ability, and strong milk output, Border Leicester Merino cross ewes generated in this manner offer the best overall performance for producing meat-type sheep.
Border Leicester Sheep Origin
George and Matthew Culley of Fenton, Northumberland, England, developed the Border Leicester breed in 1767. They were Bakewell's close friends and had access to his enhanced Leicesters. Some believe the Border Leicester was originated by breeding Bakewell's enhanced Leicester rams with Teeswater ewes. Others suggest that Cheviot blood was used. Perhaps, it's possible, that both statements are correct.Â
In either case, the breed was strongly established in England before 1850, and the old English Leicester in prominence in Britain and elsewhere have now been replaced by Border Leicesters. Border Leicesters were first classified separately from English Leicesters at the Highland Show in Scotland in 1869. The Society of Border Leicester Sheep Breeders, headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland, was founded in 1898.Â

Border Leicester Sheep Characteristics
Border Leicester sheep are a considerable breed of sheep. They have a lengthy body that is entirely white in color. They have a broad, powerful back and well-sprung ribcage. They have a prominent roman nose, similar to the Cheviots of the North Country. Furthermore, their nose is black, and their ears are big, straight, and alert. Their feet are dark as well. These animal's legs and heads are typically bare of wool, with only a few small white hairs covering them (making it easier for shearing). Rams and ewes are both polled in the same way. The fully grown Border Leicester ewe's live body weight ranges between 90 and 120 kg. The average live body weight of a fully grown ram ranges from 140 to 175 kg.
Border Leicester Sheep Temperament
Border Leicester ewes are renowned for their gentle, friendly temperament and superior motherly instincts. They look after their offspring well during gestation and afterward, giving birth to healthy, fast-growing lambs. When it comes to sheep, Border Leicesters are pretty intelligent. They appear to be good at following instructions and displaying obedience and compliance.
Border Leicester Sheep Wool
Border Leicester sheep's wool is exceptionally long, wide curled, and fine, measuring 32 to 38 microns. The crimp and sheen of the wool are appreciated by spinners, and it is utilized for moderate to heavyweight clothing. Two times a year, the animals are normally shorn when the wool is about 3.9 inches long. When lambs are shorn, they produce approximately 1.8 pounds of wool.