Rhinaer CPT Code, Procedure, Side Effects, Stylus, Cost


  • What is Rhinaer?
  • Rhinaer CPT Code
  • Rhinaer Procedure
  • Rhinaer Side Effects
  • Rhinaer Stylus
  • Rhinaer Cost

What is Rhinaer?

RhinAer is a minimally invasive procedure designed to address chronic nasal obstruction by targeting the underlying cause: excessive nasal mucus production and inflammation. Unlike traditional nasal surgeries that focus on structural alterations, RhinAer targets the nerves responsible for excessive mucus production, thereby providing lasting relief from nasal congestion and associated symptoms.

Rhinaer CPT Code, Procedure, Side Effects, Stylus, Cost

Rhinaer CPT Code

The RhinAer procedure is assigned the CPT code 31242, which denotes the use of radiofrequency ablation to endoscopically destroy the posterior nasal nerve. This code was officially incorporated and given a standardized payment rate in the CMS' Calendar Year (CY) 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, as well as its CY 2024 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System Final Rule. 

Rhinaer Procedure

The RhinAer procedure involves the precise delivery of radiofrequency energy to targeted nerves within the nasal cavity. This energy disrupts the function of the nerves responsible for excessive mucus production, thereby reducing nasal congestion and improving airflow. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting, and patients can typically resume normal activities shortly afterward.

Rhinaer Side Effects

While RhinAer is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, like any medical procedure, it carries potential side effects. These may include:

Temporary Discomfort: Patients may experience mild discomfort or soreness in the nasal cavity following the RhinAer procedure, which usually resolves within a few days.

Nasal Bleeding: Some individuals may experience minor nasal bleeding or spotting immediately after the procedure, which typically resolves quickly without intervention.

Nasal Dryness: Temporary nasal dryness or crusting may occur following RhinAer treatment, although this can often be managed with saline nasal sprays or ointments.

Altered Sense of Smell or Taste: In rare cases, patients may report temporary changes in their sense of smell or taste following RhinAer, which typically resolve over time as the nasal tissues heal.

Rhinaer Stylus

The RhinAer stylus is a specialized device used to deliver controlled radiofrequency energy to targeted nerves within the nasal cavity during the RhinAer procedure. Designed for precision and ease of use, the stylus allows healthcare providers to accurately target specific areas of the nasal mucosa, ensuring optimal therapeutic outcomes while minimizing the risk of complications.

Rhinaer Cost

The cost of RhinAer can vary depending on factors such as geographic location, healthcare provider, insurance coverage, and any additional services or medications required. Generally, the total cost of RhinAer may include fees for the procedure itself, anesthesia, facility charges, pre-procedure consultations, and post-procedure follow-up care. Patients are encouraged to consult with their healthcare provider and insurance carrier to obtain an accurate estimate of the cost and determine coverage options.

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