The Awassi is a South-West Asian indigenous sheep breed that originally came from the Syro-Arabian desert. Additionally, other regional names include Baladi, Syrian, Ausi, or Nuami. It has a fat tail and is multicolored, with a white head and legs and a brown head and legs (sometimes also black or brown). The ears are large and saggy.
Over decades of natural and controlled breeding, the Awassi developed from a nomadic sheep breed to become the Middle East's top milk-producing breed. The typical ewe has single lactations of over 300 liters (650 lbs) per 210-day lactation, and healthy females can have lactations of over 750 liters per 210-day lactation (1625 lbs). In contrast, the average lactation of a sheep breed in the United States is about 100-200 lbs per lactation.
Awassi Sheep Origin
The Awassi sheep breed is the most prevalent and prominent in southwest Asia. It is the most common sheep breed in Iraq, the most popular sheep breed in Syria, and the only native sheep breed in Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel. It is grown in the desert regions of Saudi Arabia's northwestern provinces. The Awassi makes up 1% of the ovine population in Turkey; its breeding area is located in southern Anatolia, along a border strip with the breed's primary range habitat in the Syrian Arab Republic. The Awassi's name is given to the Awas tribe between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. In literary Arabic, awas refers to the red-and-white camel costume or a white sheep.

Awassi Sheep Facts
The body size of Awassi sheep is medium, but it varies between flocks in Middle Eastern countries. The entire body is wrapped in fur, with the exception of the head and legs, which have short, poofy hair, and the chest and belly, which are often naked. The color red, brown, or black covers different parts of the body, including the head, ears, and anterior of the neck. White, grey, or spotted colors have been noted on a couple of occasions. There are only a few polled animals among rams, despite their large, spiral, and strong wrinkled horns.
Awassi Sheep Wool Quality
There are two types of follicles in Awassi Sheep skin: primary and secondary. Primary follicles are wide and are organized in trios of three. These generate the long, rough, hairy outer coat fibers in wild and hairy domestic sheep. The secondaries are smaller and more abundant than the primaries, and they are responsible for producing the delicate woolly undercoat fibers in wild sheep. These woolly fibers are used in the manufacturing of carpets and blankets.
Awassi Sheep Milk Production
The typical ewe has single lactations of over 300 liters (650 lbs) per 210-day lactation, and healthy females can have lactations of over 750 liters per 210-day lactation (1625 lbs). In contrast, the average lactation of a sheep breed in the United States is about 100-200 lbs per lactation.
Awassi Sheep Meat Quality
Awassi Sheep breed is considered as a triple purpose breed e.g milk, wool, and meat. Overall meat quality is good with average fat content and easy to digest.