Dwarf gourami Female vs. Male

Gouramis are a broad variety of fish that range in size from moderate to large. The majority can be raised in community aquariums. However, some varieties do not get along with others, and some are extremely hesitant about being housed with just any fish. Dwarf gouramis exhibit unusual breeding behavior. They actually build a bubble nest for their offspring and care for them until they hatch.

Males and females with wild coloration are simple to identify, although there are some color trends in various subgroups and these fish can alter their color to a certain extent. On the face, throat, and abdomen of males, a blue or black coloration is usually present, and this coloration remains typically consistent over time. Females have a dark horizontal stripe running down their sides, though this stripe can be quite dull in a few members. Furthermore, as the fish changes color, the females' stripes can become more or less prominent.

Dwarf gourami Female vs. Male

You can also explain the difference between these fish based on their size. Females have a more grown-up body size than men. The standard length of an adult male dwarf gourami is 1.75 inches. A female will grow to a maximum length of 2.2 inches. "Standard length" refers to the distance between the tip of the nose and the base of the tail. Consider the length of the fish when determining the gender of the fish. Keep in mind that these observations are for fully grown fish of the same age who have received the same level of care.

Males and females can also be distinguished by their behavior. Males exhibit greater aggression than females. Because this species is relatively safe, the provocation has seldom resulted in major consequences, but males will keep chasing other fish around the aquarium. Furthermore, only males construct bubble nests. When you see your fish floating on the surface, making a raft of bubbles, it is most likely a male. In addition, only the males will look after the young ones.

Aquarium enthusiasts have developed a variety of variants of this species through selective breeding. Regrettably, this makes the color distinctions between females and males less noticeable. The methods of comparing their behavior and size, on the other hand, remain valid.

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